I would like to appeal a library fine. What should I do?
Last Updated: Aug 24, 2018     Views: 62


Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy to users by Milne Library. Failure to receive notices does not exempt the user from paying replacement or processing fees. When materials are borrowed, a date due is provided. If a borrower fails to return library materials, collection costs are passed on to the user. Students may have a hold placed on their student account and community/alumni may be turned over to a collection agency. Once overdue fees are accrued on a user's account, their library account may be blocked until fees are paid in full. All library users are billed for damaged or lost materials.


Patrons will be assessed a $50 charge for items that are lost ($40 replacement fee, $10 processing fee) from our General Collection, or the cost of replacement for Special Collections items and equipment loaned at the CIT Help Desk. If a lost item is returned or if an acceptable replacement copy is provided, patrons are responsible for a $10 processing fee per item. If you wish to dispute a charge to your account, please contact libraryhelp@geneseo.edu